• Mon, Dec 13, 2021
  • 5 Ways To Maximize Your Business Value When You Sell
  • Pexels-polina-tankilevitch-3738387
  • Click here for a link to the full article by Jodie Cook published in Forbes on December 8, 2021.

    With the right foresight and planning, a successful exit is possible for businesses of all shapes and size. But it’s not just about selling, it’s about selling at the price you want. Becoming aware of what makes a business saleable and what knocks dollars off the asking price can be the difference between you sailing off into the sunset and having regrets later down the line.

    Joe Valley is a partner at Quiet Light, a leading mergers and acquisitions advisory firm, where Valley has helped facilitate over a billion dollars’ worth of exits.
    I interviewed Valley about the five steps to take to maximize your business value upon sale.

    -Set clear goals
    -Calculate seller's discretionary earnings (SDE)
    -Shift your mindset
    -Create competition
    -Understand the terms

    Ready to sell your business? Contact me to get started.
    Steve Niehaus, MBA, CBI, CM&AP
    [email protected]