As a business owner, you have likely spent hours, days, months or even longer agonizing over whether to sell your business.
While in a perfect world the hard part would be over, the reality is that making the decision to sell is simply the first step in a complicated process. Fortunately, there are ways to simplify the experience. To start, it’s a good idea to have a checklist of what steps to expect.
It can also be helpful to have a seasoned business broker or advisor to aid and support you in the sale. Business advisors have the experience and know-how to navigate the sale of your business, making the experience easier on you and maximizing your return.
Step 1 — Determine your reason for selling
Step 2 — Confer with experienced professionals
Step 3 — Organize your finances and properly package your business for sale
Step 4 — Understand the value of your business
Step 5 – Confidently market your business
Selling a business can be an exciting but long and stressful time. Seek out a business advisor who can help you navigate the challenge.
Interested in selling your business?
Steve Niehaus, MBA, CM&AP, CBI, M&AMI
[email protected]