• Tue, Jul 02, 2024
  • Key Takeaways: Eleven Competencies You Should Expect From Your Business Broker When Selling Your Business
  • Eric_j_gall
  • Click here to link to the full article published in eBusiness Planet on February 6, 2024, based on an interview with Eric J. Gall.

    Key Takeaways from the Article

    Here are eleven competencies you should expect from your business broker when selling your business:  

    1. Valuation Expertise
    2. Market Knowledge
    3. Marketing Strategy
    4. Buyer Screening
    5. Confidentiality
    6. Negotiation Skills
    7. Transaction Management
    8. Problem-Solving
    9. Communication
    10. Post-Sale Support
    11. Professionalism and Ethics

    By selecting a business broker who demonstrates these competencies, you can streamline the sales process and increase the likelihood of a successful sale at the best possible price and terms.

    If you are considering selling your business, contact Eric for a confidential, complimentary consultation.

    Eric Gall
    [email protected]