• Mon, Aug 09, 2021
  • Five Challenges Business Owners Face (And How To Overcome Them)
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  • Article by Tyler Martin, published in Forbes on August 9th, 2021.

    Many people dream of running their own successful business. They’re lured in by the possibility of doing meaningful work, owning their schedule, not having to answer to anybody and potentially transforming the world.

    This is the glamorous side of running your own business, but the reality looks slightly different. Struggling to balance work with your personal life, getting people to buy what you’re selling, trying to hire the right people to help you grow and having solid strategies and processes in place are the common challenges business owners face. The good news is that successful business owners have learned how to master these challenges, and you can too.

    1. Maintaining A Work-Life Balance
    2. Creating A Tactical Strategy
    3. Designing An Exit Strategy
    4. Eliminating Ineffective Hiring Methods
    5. Turning Customers Into Loyal, Raving Fans

    Running a business will always present new challenges, but instead of focusing on what the problem is, look for the solution. I guarantee there will always be a way forward, and it’s on you as a leader to make the right moves!

    For more information, click here for a link to the full article.

    Please contact me if you would like to discuss selling your business. 

    Steve Niehaus , MBA, CBI, CM&AP

    [email protected]
