• Mon, Jun 03, 2024
  • Key Takeaways: Nine Valuable Tasks a Business Broker Performs to Assist in Selling a Business
  • Eric_j_gall
  • Click here to link to the full article published in True Holywood Talk on March 18, 2024, based on an interview with Eric J. Gall.

    Key Takeaways from the Article

    A business broker performs nine valuable tasks to assist in selling a business.  These tasks include:

    1. Properly Preparing the Business for Sale

    2. Soliciting Lenders for Financing Pre-Approval

    3. Marketing the Business Confidentially

    4. Facilitating Seller/Buyer Meetings

    5. Structuring and Negotiating Agreements

    6. Managing Due Diligence

    7. Assisting Buyers with Securing Financing

    8. Managing the Closing Process

    9. Transitioning the Business to the New Owner

    To learn more about selling a business, contact Eric J. Gall at [email protected] or 239-738-6227 for a confidential, complimentary discussion.