• Wed, Aug 23, 2023
  • Selling A Business? Tips On How To Maximize The Sale Price
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  • Click here for a link to the full article by Kristin McKennapublished in Forbes on August 22, 2023.

    Here are tips from sell-side business advisors on what to do (and not do) when selling a business.

    Start thinking about selling your business early — really early

    One of the top mistakes sellers make when selling their business is not starting the process early enough. 

    Sudden sales or immediate retirements

    Unfortunately, when business owners want to sell with a tight timeline (or fire sale), they may have fewer options to exit.

    Make your business more sellable later by getting advice now

    Business brokers often recommend getting a valuation done years before expecting to sell the company.

    How to maximize your cash at closing

    Aaron Naisbitt says,"the biggest mistake many businesses owners make is not running a competitive process when the business is capable of attracting interest from a broad number of buyers. This mistake most often occurs when the owner has already made the second biggest mistake – not taking the time to educate themselves and prepare adequately for the process."

    Getting professional help is key here as trying to negotiate a sale directly with a buyer might be short-sighted. The importance of understanding the terms of the deal cannot be overstated. 

    Exit planning is not time to DIY — assemble your team of advisors
    Business advisory team (sell-side)

    • Broker/M&A advisor
    • Tax and accounting
    • Legal advisors

    Personal advisory team

    • Financial advisor
    • CPA or tax advisor
    • Estate planning attorney

    Reach out if I can assist you in selling your business.

    Steve Niehaus, MBA, CM&AP, CBI, M&AMI
    [email protected]